Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Make a donation
Make a donation
Thank you for sharing your gift
General Online Donations or
Memorial Online Donations
Online donations are processed through PayPal, but you do not have to have a PayPal account to donate online with us.
Purchase essential items from our wish list.

Make a donation
Thank you for sharing your gift

General Online Donations or
Memorial Online Donations
Online donations are processed through PayPal, but you do not have to have a PayPal account to donate online with us.
Amazon Wishlist
Purchase essential items from our Amazon wish list.
Mail Donations
Mail Donations
Include the following with your donation:

Send donation to:
The Bird House, Hospice Home of Johnson County
PO Box 3338
Iowa City, IA 52244-3338
Mail Donations
Include the following with your donation:

Send donation to:
The Bird House, Hospice Home of Johnson County
PO Box 3338
Iowa City, IA 52244-3338
Other ways to partner with us
Other ways to partner with us
In compassionate end of life care:
- Designate us as your community non-profit and remember to ask about your company’s employee matching gift program.
- Remember us in your estate planning.
- We are always in need of gift cards from Hy-Vee, Costco or Walmart to help offset the increasing prices of groceries or household items needed for our patients and their families.
- Call or email with inquiries or to discuss additional ways to help The Bird House financially or with in-kind donations. we always appreciate the community support of individuals, businesses, grants, and service organizations in the community. We would love to talk to you about financial gifts of all sizes, in-kind donations, naming opportunities, and designated gifts or memorials.
Email donation inquiries to housemanager@thebirdhousejc.org
Our organization has received federal tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Your contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes to the extent allowed by law.